Lunt's Heath Primary School Safeguarding Statement
"Lunt's Heath Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and visitors to share this commitment."
Safeguarding / Child Protection
The success of keeping all children safe rests with us all as adults. Consequently all parents / carers / stakeholders are encouraged to raise with school any concerns that they may have at the earliest possible stage. All details will be treated in confidence - 0151 423 3322.
Senior Designated Safeguarding Officer: Mr Dave Paton (Headteacher)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer: Mrs Hannah Molloy (Assistant Headteacher EYFS)
Chair of Governors: Mrs Jennifer McCormick
Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding: Mrs Carly Irving
** We operate a Whistleblowing Policy designed for you to alert school if you have any concerns about the conduct of a member of staff. (attached below) **
Barriers to learning
We have designated staff in place who are specially trained to support your child's needs and well-being. The effectiveness of our work is increased through a process of information sharing with the home and we ask that you contact us immediately with any chnages in your circumstances - all information provided is treated confidentially.
Staff are vigilant in their ongoing approaches for identifying changes in pupil behaviour or other triggers that may affect a child's emotional well-being. For example in cases where a private fostering arrangement is put in place without school being informed.
If you have any concerns regarding your child's mental health, please contact Mr Paton or Miss Fazackerley immediately or seek further information from Halton's Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service.