Homework is not just set by teachers. It can also be very much an attitude of mind owned by the child, wanting to show their own efforts by going the extra mile unaided or without being asked. Children should be encouraged towards self-motivation and building their own independence and levels of resilience.
Homework forms part of the school's extended curriculum offer and is a very important part of helping children grow and develop. Homework is used to consolidate and reinforce the skills and understanding that the children have learnt in lessons, whilst also developing an effective partnership between home and school.
As the children get older homework will also encourage them to develop the confidence, self-discipline, and independence needed to study on their own. Throughout the school there will be a focus on English and Mathematics with Science and other subjects gradually being introduced as children move into Key Stage 2. As this type of homework will be related to ongoing class activities children should be able to complete the work without any difficulty. Please remember that homework is owned by the children thus the work should be principally theirs.
We understand that it can sometimes be difficult for parents to support their children as teaching strategies have changed in recent years, particularly in Mathematics. To alleviate this problem the staff will send an example home of each new strategy being taught and will also give details of any relevant web-sites. If your child has particular difficulty with a piece of homework please let the class teacher know.
Homework for Year 1-3 will be set on Maths / Spelling and Quiz Shed which the children can access by following the link below and logging in to access the assignment section of their class page.
Homework for Year 4 will be set on Mirodo, which the children can access by following the link below. This website provides teaching videos that the children can watch to support their learning. Homework activities will be set by the child's class teacher, however there are also practice activities and tests that the chldren can access independently.
Homework for Year 5 and Year 6 will be set on SATS Companion, which the children can access by following the link below. This website provides teaching videos that the children can watch to support their learning. Homework activities will be set by the child's class teacher, however there are also practice activities and tests that the chldren can access independently.
We feel that this programme of homework will benefit the children’s learning and ensure a smooth transition to secondary school where homework is an everyday event.